Tuesday, April 19, 2016

When I Think of Research... EDUC 6163 WEEK 8

  • What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?
  • The insights that I am taking away from this course is that research in the early childhood field is complicated. I can see the benefits and the complications. I gained the importance of working togther with the children as researchers not just as adults or professionals in the field.

  • In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed?
  • My ideas have changed because now i see how complicated it can be. I believe that it will be harder to complete a real research project in this field then in the biochemistry field. I have more respect for the researchers in this field. I also understand why it is so important to continue doing research.

  • What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?
  • I learned that the beginning stages are really important to consider all the variables before you jump head first. Planning is so important to collecting the proper data and information. This is not a filed you can just wing it because of all the unknowns.

  • What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them?
  • Challenges that i encountered was the amount of research that is not out there for what I wanted to look at. I am so interested in intervention because of the benefits but not everyone sees this. Change is coming but slow because of the complications it causes for teachers.

  • What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?
This class has opened my eyes to the importance of planning and research for this field. With out the proper research then many things would still not be advancing the way it should. We have had many important professionals help create this field and it is going to take many more to help improve the field for our children.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Website I studied : http://www.earlychildhoodaustralia.org.au/
  • What are some of the current international research topics?
Reconciliation is a movement that the early childhood Australia group is working on. They recognize that racism, bigotry and segregation are an issue within their country. These are important variables in their country that are causing issues in the early childhood field for children. "Transformation that moves us from ignorance and racism to respect, from inequity and prejudice to justice, and from inaction and fear to hope" (earlychildhoodaustralia.org). This is very interesting because this is an issue that we face here. I found it very interesting to read the documents that they have on this subject. 

  • What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?
The facts and insights that I gained was that they are no different then the US because it seems that all countries struggle with these same issues. I believe from everything that I have read and gained knowledge from that many of these traits are part of human nature. Our cultures and religions have a natural instinct to try and have power over another. One day I hope this is not true but the evidence shows that we will not see and end in the near future. It is going to take many individuals standing for all rights all over the world.

  • What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
    • They have a symposium coming up and it is to help the whole population of Australia. "Building and nurturing strong relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is central to our national identity and well-being. Starting these relationships in the early years will secure positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait children and their families. This effort also ensures all children develop a better knowledge, appreciation and understanding of the living culture of Australia’s first peoples." (earlychildhoodAustralia.org) I found this to be interesting. They find the importance of communication and working together for the future of their country. The education and the cooperation of all cultures is beneficial to the children and future of the country.