Sunday, November 29, 2015

My Supports

I live with my three children in a farm community. My husband works out of state and has for many years. He is gone for long periods of time. I remember one time it was three months before we got to see him. With this being said I have him as a support but mostly as a mental and emotional support. In my daily life the types of supports I have are my alarm clock, my children, my animals, my phone, my notes, and things around the house. My alarm clock helps me get up in the morning so I can get the kids ready to go to school. S,o I guess the clocks in the house are a support because they keep me on schedule. My children are a support because they remind me of things that need to be done for them and things I need to do with them. My animals are not only a schedule reminder but they are there for fun, enjoyment and emotional support. When you are having a rough day a dog is so nice to have because petting and loving them helps you relax. My phone is my calendar because it reminds me of appointments and other events. I would also have to add that the calendars in the house help support me on a daily bases. I also write notes down to help me accomplish things that I have to do. Objects around my house help support me in many ways because I am so reliant on things that I have. Yes, I can live with our many of my supports but my family and animals are not one of them. Modern conveniences are nice but I could just use calendars to help me keep my appointments. My animals wake me up so I could live with out the alarm it would be difficult some days but I would probably train myself.
I have had injuries to my hand and back problems with in the last 2 years and I can tell you I appreciate my body and what I can do. I believe that these short times with a disability helped me understand what I do not what to live with out. I praise and have the utmost respect for people who have no choice but I have gained a respect for the purpose of things. My daughter has recently smashed and broke her pinky finger and because she is so active the doctor and I decide to cast the whole hand. She is having to learn to adapt. The thing is she figures it out quickly. We as human beings learn to adapt and change very easily that sometimes we forget about the old way.  A support that I forgot about was my orthodontics and my family. My family supports me emotional in many ways and it would be hard to live with out them.


  1. Charissa,
    I am amazed that you and your three children function so smoothly with your husband being gone so frequently. I can relate, because when my daughter was in elementary school, my husband worked for long periods of time outside the home, and my daughter and I had to just kind of get used to functioning without him. It's kind of sad to say, but I suppose you just kind of get used to functioning as if you were a single parent! ;) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Charissa,
    It is sad to hear what you and your daughter have gone through from various injuries; but I really appreciate your attitude to them, and to life. Things always have double sides. And it is our attitude that decides how we feel and whether or not we are happy.
    Wishing you best of luck.

  3. Hi Charissa,
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I comment you for being there for your daughters. I know that can be very hard when your husband is not there. I can only imagine what you are feeling. My husband some times work over night and I can't hardly sleep. Just pray and meditate on God.

  4. Charissa,
    You are a strong woman. I can't imagine how it must be with children and dealing with injuries. Thank God for your husband and animal's emotional support.
