Friday, February 26, 2016

Final Blog Entry EDU6162

Three consequences that I have found about learning about international early education is that it is a global issue. Early education cost money for everyone and many nations struggle to find money to pay for quality care. Many nations pay for early  care/education but it does not come with out cost. When the government starts to see the benefits of early education then they find the funds. Policies are not all universal many nations have minimal requirement for the environment. Some nations have no requirements for teachers and others have high qualifications. I can see how it is not just the US that struggles to make policies and requirements for the early education field. I do not see an end in sight to understanding the real issues with early childhood education and why we can not put in forward it in many political agendas. We are not give manuals for children and we need to educate all parents. This is another thing that is an issue around the world. My goal for international awareness is to still find a professional to learn from so I can become more aware of other countries early education policies and issues.


  1. Hi Charissa,
    I agree, educating the parents is very important to end the cycle of poverty. I grew up in a very poor household and continued the cycle when I started having children. However once they were born I knew I needed to make a change so I started college. This was the best thing I could do for my family and my children because i can see they will do even better for their families. How can we make our government see the importance in what we do and how in the long run it could save money because odds are the students will attend college and not jail.
    Good Luck in all your future course and I really enjoyed reading your posts.

  2. Hello Charissa,

    Early childhood education is definitely a global issue. Government should have funds available for early childcare field and there should be policies favoring our field including children. I enjoyed reading every post you published.

    Good luck for your future.

