Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Episode of a Televison

For this assignment I chose to watch a episode of Thunderbirds which is a cartoon. I watched it first with out sound and found very interesting hand gestures and I watched more of their eye movements. Watching with out sound helped me actually watch the episode instead of just listening. One of my ah moments was that because I have children I do not really watch shows I more listen. i am doing many things at once so I listen more then I watch. While watching the episode with out sound I realist how much our face tells things about us or about the situation. I saw frustration, excitement and anger. It was very interesting what I got to see. When I watched it again with sound I was not at all accurate on many things that were going on. With the sound on I realized that the characters involved had a very good relationship and they were very antagonizing to each other. They worked together to solve a problem even though they had strong personalities. It was very interesting looking at a episode with and without sound. Many gestures do not tell you all the story. It was nice to be able to hear what i did not understand.


  1. Charissa,
    Thanks for sharing your post. I too found myself in a similar situation. I do not watch much television, it is a luxury. I was off base with some of the perceptions I made about the characters as well. It proves that we must take into account both aspects, verbal and nonverbal when possible when communicating.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi!

    Like you, when my children were young I found myself listening rather than watching a lot of times as I was always having to multitask. I was always on the "ear out" for inappropriate language and the like. You are right in that visual is important as well, especially for little ones. Thank you for sharing!
